Location: Artist Alley AA113
Writer and Illustrator
Fantasy Archives, Munchies, Stans Adventures
Collaboration artist Latique Curry has had a passion for art during his childhood years. His love for art began at the age of seven. As soon as he was introduced to his major influencers Conan, X-Men and Avengers, Latique picked up his pencil and started the creation of his craft. At such a young age, Latique would study books, comics and movies and was inspired to reference whatever it was that caught his eye and simply start penciling the image he had in mind. He initially started sketching Superhero’s in which later lead to him to creating his own characters, then soon thereafter started collecting comic books and action figures. Born and raised in Bronx, New York, as soon as Latique was old enough to take the subway, he took the initiative to learn his craft and study the various forms of art and educate himself on the numerous forms of techniques. He would take the subway to well-known Manhattan Comic shops on a weekly basis just to stay on top of the new releases along with all the various forms of art. In 2002, Latique relocated to Arizona and enlisted in the US Army and retired 2012. Although Latique kept up with his art as much as he could, his main priority was serving our country first. Once he retired, he continued his love for art and progressed to partnering with several affiliations and has successfully illustrated and published several books. Latique’s expertise and types of comic genres all of which include but not limited to Comic illustrations, Superhero Comics, Story Board, SciFi, Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Celebrity portrait, Concept art, Manga Art, Traditional comic art, photo realistic art and Graphic Novel illustrations.
- Fantasy Archives: Published by Art Addict Studios; writer and illustrator Latique
- Curry
- Junk Food and Dragons: Art Addict Studios; writer and illustrator Latique Curry
- The Beast: Triple Threat Entertainment; Illustrations by Latique Curry
- Munchies: Co-Creator and illustrator Latique Curry along with Writer Che
- Wangia
- Stans Adventures: Publisher Kore 6 Media, Illustration by Latique Curry
- Oliver Slit; Cowriter and Creator, illustrator and artist along with Derk Harron
- Bell; Art Addict Studios / Publisher/ Writer/ illustrator by Latique Curry
- Orcbandter; Art Addict Studios / Creator/ Writer/ illustrator by Latique Curry
- Fight Your Friends Card Game from Cold War Games; Publishers Ash
- Maczko and Ashley Whitter, illustrations by Latique Curry
- Art Addict
- Kore 6 Media
- Artist for Story Board Graphic Novels
- Member of Mesa Arts Eclectic Nights
- Founder of Art and Chill Fridays
- Art Instructor for Class Art Series
- Cold War Games
Latique Curry
Publishing Name: Art Addict Studios
Mobile: 480.628.1830
Instagram: Latique143
Facebook: /theartoflatiquecurry
Twitter: soulmattic77
Deviant Art: Lsoul77